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LLC Research and Production Enterprise POLYMEHKON manufactured, pursuant to our Company’s order, and within the framework of activities related to joint efforts, the mockup of the vertical takeoff and landing UAV VTOL developed by our Company for experimental development of the design, carrying out of aerodynamic tests and presentation of that development to eventual customers and users.


LLC Research and Production Enterprise POLYMEHKON and LLC KAMA made and signed the Cooperation Agreement in order to implement the Project “Manufacture of cargo, vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle”, developed by LLC KAMA using the procedure of manufacture from composite structures. Research and Production Enterprise POLYMEHKON is made up of high-end professionals, technologies and up-to-date manufacturing facilities for production of composite structure elements for the aircraft.

The Aviation Development Prospects Centre of the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems (MNIIPU) and LLC KAMA negotiated the Joint Operating Agreement. MNIIPU is the institute, established for proper arrangement and performance of research and development activities, development of new technologies towards the priority development fields of aviation products, rapid commissioning of the scientific research results, and the use of scientific developments in the field of aeronautical engineering, civil aviation, state aviation, and experimental aviation to the benefit of the Russian economic growth. The subject-matter of this Agreement is cooperation in management of investing activities, research, development, manufacture and certification of purpose-designed vertical (point) takeoff and landing, no-aerodrome aircrafts of multifunction (MFBS) functionality, for the purposes related to development of infrastructure in the hard to access regions, cooperation in establishment, development and duplication of the latest technologies being elaborated in the course of creation, application of MFBS. The Agreement was signed by V.A. Oleynikov, the Director of the Aviation Development Prospects Centre of the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems, and V.B. Sychev, the Director General of LLC KAMA. The Parties have agreed to cooperate within the framework of consortium. Moreover, it is hereby specifically agreed and understood that any other partners may be admitted to the Consortium subject to the Parties’ mutual consent.



The meeting of the joint Scientific and Technical Council of the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems - Institute for Economic Strategies took place. The meeting was opened by A.I. Ageev, the Director of the Institute for Economic Strategies (Russian Academy of Sciences), Professor, Dr.sc.oec., and V.A. Oleynikov, D.Sc. in engineering, the Director of the Aviation Development Prospects Centre of the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems. V.B. Sychev, the Director General of LLC KAMA, delivered the report dedicated to development of the project of the VTOL UAV. The discussion was supported by the members of the Scientific and Technical Council, external professionals of interested authorities and institutions. A.G. Shapovalyants, the Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council, came out with final speech. The meeting considered the development trends of the vertical takeoff and landing UAV. Moreover, the information regarding the project was presented as such, and the results obtained were demonstrated, including inter alia the full-scale model of the UAV VTOL.

LLC KAMA obtained two favourable decisions in respect of delivery of patents for inventions. It is the end product of composite work dedicated to manufacture of multi-purpose no-aerodrome vertical (point and short) takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle, and this will provide the users, developers of technologies and manufacturers with opportunity to gain giant advantages on account of multiple expansion of the area and scope of use of aerial vehicles in order to secure the development of infrastructure in hard to access region of the North, Siberia and Far East of Russia. The aerial vehicle being constructed has many points in its favour compared with conventional, i.e.:

  • capability to takeoff and land off-aerodrome due to engineered capability associated with vertical, point takeoff and landing;
  • capability to fly amid poor weather conditions, with high speed and over great distances due to turbojet engines integrated with the airframe;
  • it is environmentally acceptable. Thin planar jets from engines induce an ample quantity of air, reduce dramatically their temperature and exhaust velocity, securing low temperature and force impact on the takeoff and landing surface;
  • capability to be operated in a confined space inasmuch as it is not provided in terms of design with dangerous propellers; furthermore, the UAV VTOL does not require the runway, and may hover, as circumstances may require, as helicopter;
  • capability to fly in an unmanned mode, for which reason it is not necessary to have pilot training routine;
  • this UAV is provided, in comparison with the other VTOL aircrafts, with high capacity of the cargo hold and useful load;
  • it is failure-surviving and cost effective due to specific engines location, gas-dynamic steering system, and as a consequence, the lack of dangerous transitions stages during takeoff and landing.

The Director General visited DUBAI AIRSHOW 2019, international air show, where the blue-chip global companies demonstrated their superior accomplishments, including in particular for the UAVs VTOL. Much attention devotes to that promising trend, particularly in the markets of Asia. The scientific and technical solutions being implemented in the VTOL UAV, the development of our company, demonstrate world-wide novelty and advantages. The continuous significant increase in cargo turnover by means of airspace transportation bolsters developments and challenges of use of the VTOL aircraft. Nowadays, the foreign models are in the planning stage, and we do have a unique opportunity to compete with the leading manufacturers of the VTOL UAVs. Furthermore, we are scheduling to perform patenting of the developments abroad.

LLC KAMA has been granted two patents for invention, i.e.: Jet steering short takeoff and landing aerial vehicle. Being developed by the company in conjunction with the partners, the short/vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle is aligned with challenging global aviation trends:

  • Fuselage is entirely made of composite materials.
  • Airframe demonstrates the lack of any projecting parts.
  • New aerodynamic design, “flying wing” type.
  • Body is designed to have an elliptic, oval section.
  • Power plants are installed at the end of the body and in the wings.

Jet steering of short/vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle delivers safe and highly-effective short and vertical takeoff and landing, and to gain competitive advantages.

During the session of the expert Task Team AeroNet (“Boiling Point”, Moscow, Malyi Konyushkovskiy lane, 2), the following project was pitched to, i.e.: “Cargo-carrying vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle”. The UAV demonstrates a world-wide novelty, protected with patents for invention. Furthermore, the UAV design embodies the most challenging trends in aviation. Following the results of the meeting, the AeroNet experts are advised to hold joint staff conference for the purposes related to in-depth study of proposal for cooperation and respective opportunities.

V.B. Sychev, the Company’s Director General, delivered his report in the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Centre, during the meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for innovation projects and technologies under auspices of Andrey Goncharov, Major General1 and the Head of the General Office for Scientific Research and Engineering Support of Advanced Technologies (Innovation Research) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The Committee was glad to be presented with demonstration of the prototype-mockup dedicated to short/vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle (no-aerodrome based). The aircraft is designed and suitable for delivery of cargo (weight up to 1 000 kg) for distances of up to 1 000 km, speed - 500 km/h. That UAV is capable of performing vertical takeoff and landing from the helispots and may fly in weather conditions of Siberia, the North and Far East.


30 сентября 2020 года генеральный директор компании Сычев В.Б. выступил с Докладом в Конгрессно-выставочном центре «Патриот» на заседании Комиссии Министерства обороны Российской Федерации по инновационным проектам и технологиям под руководством начальника Главного управления научно-исследовательской деятельности и технологического сопровождения передовых технологий (инновационных исследований) Минобороны России генерал-майора Андрея Гончарова. На Комиссии был продемонстрирован прототип-макет беспилотного летательного аппарата короткого/вертикального взлета и посадки, безаэродромного базирования. Аппарат предназначен для доставки грузов массой до 1000 кг на расстояния до 1000 км со скоростью 500 км/ч. Устройство способно выполнять вертикальный взлет и посадку с площадки вертолетных размеров и совершать полет в погодных условиях Сибири и Дальнего Востока;
